Training Resources
Loose Leash Walking
We've all seen it. Maybe its has happened to you before. That dog, pulling you down the sidewalk as they try to get to their favorite park. Teaching loose leash walking is not a task you want to forget. Not only will it make your life easier, it will make your bond with your dog stronger. Training loose leash walking communicates with your dog that they have to pay attention to you (the handler). Like any training, this takes time and consistency but by making walks more enjoyable for you, your dog reaps the reward of getting outside more.
Puppies 101
Puppies are cute, cuddly, and oh, so sweet but without proper training they can go from adorable to deplorable very quickly. The key to achieving a confident and well behaved puppy is to meet them where they are and provide consistent guidance from there. Dr. Sophia Yin breaks down the exciting and, sometimes trying, experience that is training a new puppy.
Potty Training
Potty training is not an exact science and can vary greatly, depending on age, size, health statues, etc, of the dog. That said, potty training is a skill that all dogs should understand. No one likes a mess; not even your dog! Check out these tips for setting your pup up for success, as they navigate the ins and outs of potty training.
Dog Training 101
Training your dog can be a whirl-wind of information, suggestions, and quick fixes. While you navigate the ever changing terrain of pet ownership and dog training, keep in mind these 10 tips.